A critique of Hornby (1975): 25 sentence patterns of English.

Hornby (1975) classified sentence patterns which include basic and non basic sentence patterns into twenty-five (25) sing structural grammar framework. He used the criterion of verb patterns to guide his classifications. His verb patterns are succinct but still hard for a learner to use easily. There are only two subdivisions in the verb patterns – transitive vs. intransitive verbs. The voluminous nature of his sentence pattern makes it boring and uninteresting to study and verbose to understand.

VERB PATTERNS Abbreviations used:
S = Subject
VI = Intransitive Verb
VT = Transitive Verb
DO= Direct Object IO = Indirect Object.

Verb Patterns 1 to 5. These are patterns for intransitive verbs (VI), i e verbs that do not take an object.

[V P 1] Subject + BE + subject complement/adjunct This pattern illustrates the verb be.
The nominal part of the predicate may be a noun, a pronoun, a possessive, an adjective, an adverb or adverbial phrase, a prepositional group, an infinitive or infinitive phrase, or a clause. Example:
This is a book.
Those shoes are not my size.
This letter is for you.
The children are asleep.
It was a pity.

[VP 2A] Subject + Verb intransitive
We all breathe .
Bayo died.
Adefuye collapsed.
She sings.
The sun was shining.
The car won’t start

[VP 2B] Subject + VI + (for) + adverbial adjunct
We waited for half an hour
Kolapo stayed for the night.
We walked for five miles.
Muhammed’s fist weighs 50kg.
We resumed for the job.
[VP 2C] Subject + VI + adverbial adjunct
My hat blew off.
I shall go by train.
She’s working a tourist guide.
The woman danced well
[Verb Pattern 2D] S + VI + adjective/noun/pronoun
He lived and died an imbecile.
He is growing old
He died a wretch.
She will make a good wife.
[Verb Pattern 2E] S + VI + present participle phrase
The man is driving
Mary was dancing
The children came running to meet us
She lay smiling at me.

[Verb Pattern 3A] S + VI + preposition + noun/pronoun/gerundive phrase
You can depend on us.
Fred depends on her mother.
He succeeded in solving the problems.
 He succeeded in his attempts.
[V P 3B] S + VI + (preposition (+ it) + clause
We will see to it that she gets home early
I agree to it that it was a mistake
I don’t care whether he approves or disapproves.
You may depend upon it that the news paper accounts are exaggerated.

[Verb Pattern 4A] S + VI + to- infinitive
We stopped to see the sun setting.
Will he live to be thirty?
The Titanic failed to reach the harbour.
The drunken man awoke to find himself in a ditch
[Verb Pattern 4B] S + VI + to + infinitive
We stopped to have a rest.
Electronic music has come to stay.
Someone has failed to do the work.
We stand to lose a sum of money.
[VP 4C] S + VI + to- infinitive (phrase)
She hesitated not to tell anyone
Tolu aims at becoming a computer expert.
We all rejoice to hear of your success.
They agreed not to oppose my plan
[VP 4D] S + SEEM/APPEAR + (to be) + adjective/noun
He seemed to be surprised at the news.
It seemed pointless to go any further.
It appears to be cold.
The lady seemed to be unable to get out of the habit.
[VP 4E] S + SEEM/APPEAR/HAPPEN/CHANCE + to- infinitive
The baby seems to be asleep.
You seem to be enjoying the party.
She happened to be home when I arrived.
The electorate seem to be swinging along Democrats. They chanced to meet in the park that morning [VP 4F] S + BE + to-infinitive
John and I are to meet at the station at six o’clock
We are to be married in May Nobody is to know.
The waiter was not to be seen.
He was never to see both his parents again.

[VP 5] S + anomalous finite + infinitive
Don’t you like her?
You may leave now.
Can you come early?

Verb Patterns 6 to 10 These are pattern for transitive verbs (vt)
[VP 6A] S + VT + noun/pronoun
We all enjoyed the film.
The Government has bought several new battle ships.
The workmen dug a deep hole. Nobody answered my question.
[VP 6B] S + VT + noun/pronoun
He’s got great charm.
She cried a bitter cry.
He nodded his approval.
She smiled her thanks.
[VP 6C] S + VT + gerund He enjoys playing soccer.
Do you mind waiting a bit outside?
Have you finished eating?
[VP 6D] S + VT + gerund He likes eating.
She began talking about her sexuality.
She loves having breakfast in class.
[VP 6E] S + need/want/bear + gerund (passive meaning)
 The table needs polishing.
My shoes want mending
His language wouldn’t bear repeating

[VP 7A] S + VT + (not) + to- infinitive
I prefer (not) to start early
Do they want to go?
It has started to rain.
I pretended not to be awake.
[VP 7B] S + have/ought + (not) + to infinitive
You’ll have to come?
Do you have time to cook?
Ade ought not to complain.

[VP 8] S + VT + interrogative pronoun/adverb + to infinitive
I don’t know who to go for prayers.
She didn’t know whether to dance or spin.
 I was wondering whether to stay another day.
Do you know how to do it?

[VP 9] S + VT + that – clause He doesn’t believe that my reasons are genuine. S
hade remembered that she was fasting.
Do you doubt that I can do it?
I see that there has been another explosion.

[VP 10] S + VT + dependent clause/question
I wonder where that smell is coming from
We were debating where we should go to for our holidays
I wonder why he is always sleepy.
She asked whether I used weed for my spice.

Verb Patterns 11 to 25 are of transitive verbs used with a complement 'or with an indirect object.

[VP 11] S + VT + noun/pronoun/ that – clause
He told us that the roads were murky.
I convinced him that he was guilty.
We must remind him that there is a party on Saturday night.

[VP 12A] S + VT + noun/pronoun (I.O) + noun/pronoun (D.O)
Have they paid you a visit?
A resort by the sea will make you a lot of money.
He gave the boy some rocks.
He gives himself some rest.
[VP 12B] S + VT + noun/pronoun (I.O) + noun/pronoun (D.O)
Are you going to buy me some?
Can you spare me a few minutes of your valuable time?
Her dress making earns her enough living.
Can you get me a copy of the book?
[VP 12C] S + VT + noun/pronoun + noun/pronoun
He struck the door a heavy blow.
He gave the goat a hard kick.
 He took the duck a long flight.
I never gave the case a thought.

[VP 13A] S + VT + Noun/Pronoun (D.O) + to + noun/pronoun
He read the story to all his neighbours.
I have sent Kehinde a present.
He still owes a lot of money to the bank.
They offered the position to Peter.
[VP 13B] S + VT + noun/pronun (D.O) + for + noun/pronoun
I have brought some eggs for them
Please, take some of the cake for our mother
I’ll get what I can for you

[VP 14] S + VT noun/pronoun (D.O) + preposition + noun/pronoun We saluted him for his bravery. They accused him of stealing the phone He confessed to me that he had stolen my watch from my bag.

[VP 15A] S + VT + noun/pronoun (DO) + adverbial particle
Please, put the sugar on the table
They kept the chair outside.
The waiter showed me the menu on the wall.
[VP 15B] S + VT + adverbial particle + noun/pronoun (DO)
Take off your cloth Put on your shoes. Switch on the fan.
The police cracked down on the protesters.
He cleared away the rubbish

[VP 16A] S + VT + noun/pronoun (DO) + to infinitive
He brought his father to see us.
They gave a shout-out to celebrate their birthday.
They left me to do all their dirty work.
He took the medicine to please his wife.
[VP 16B] S + VT + noun/pronoun (DO) + as/like/as if + noun/clause
He carries himself like a soldier.
She mistook me for my elder brother
They’ve hired a fool as our football coach
He imagined himself as the saviour of his country

[VP 17A] S + VT + noun/pronoun + (not) + to – infinitive
I warn you not to believe any word he says
They warned us not to be late.
He dared me to row across the river.
 They advised him not to talk while eating.
[VP 17B] S + VT + noun/pronoun + (not) + to – infinitive He doesn’t want anyone to know that he’s going away She likes her husband to dress gaily. Will you help them move the upholsteries away? She can’t bear me to be unhappy.

[VP 18A] S + VT + noun/pronoun + infinitive (phrase)
We felt the house shake Watch that boy jump.
I saw the man cross the road.
Let justice be done.
What make you think so? Did you see anyone go out?
[VP 18B] S + VT + noun/pronoun + infinitive
What would you have me do?
What makes you think so?
I’ve never known her to lose her temper.
[VP 18C] S + HAVE + noun/pronoun + infinitive
I have heard people say that.
I had a most extra-ordinary thing happen to me yesterday
Please, have the porter take these suitcases to my room

[VP 19A] S + VT – noun/pronoun + present participle
She doesn’t like to see animals being treated cruelly.
She could feel her heart beating wildly.
We watched them being bundled into the Police van
They saw the thief running away
[VP 19B] S + VT + noun/pronoun + present participle
This set me thinking.
We found him sleeping on the couch.
They shouldn’t keep them standing.

[VP 20] S + Vt + noun/pronoun/possessive + -ing form of the verb
I cannot understand anyone treating children cruelly .
She can’t bear her husband making fun of her.
Does this justify your taking a legal action?
Can you imagine my being stupid?

[VP 21] S + VT + noun/pronoun + interrogative + to-infinitive
I asked him what to do next.
I told him when to call.
They call us to dinner.
Can you tell me what time to start the engine?
I showed them how to do it
Will you advise me which of them to buy?

[VP 22] S + VT + noun/pronoun (DO) + adjective
We painted the ceiling green.
Could you push the door shut?
The Governor set the prisoners free.
The Goat left the plant weak.
I drank the milk hot.
We proved him wrong.

[VP 23A] S + VT + noun/pronoun (DO) + noun (object complement)
Do you want to make flame throwing a course?
She’s made the job a failure.
The class has appointed me the new Janitor.
They wanted to beat James dead.
[VP 23B] S + VT + noun/pronoun (IO) + noun (subject complement)
The wool should make me a good thick sweater.
Funke has make Akin an excellent singer.

[VP 24A] S + VT + HAVE + noun/pronoun (DO) + past participle
Have you ever seen a classical drama in Korean?
We want the work finished by Saturday.
We found the house burnt
He couldn’t make himself heard.
[VP 24B] S + HAVE + noun/pronoun (DO) + past participle
They had her wristwatch damaged.
The Seaman had his clothes dirtied.
We have your medicine prepared now.
[VP 24C] S + HAVE/GET + noun/pronoun (DO) + past participle
I must have my cloth sown.
You’ll have to get that drum filled.
Can you get the food ready?

[VP 25] S + VT + noun/pronoun (DO) + (to be) + adjective/noun
Some children believed her to be truthful.
No one told us to be the best for game.
I would guess her to be about dead.

A.A Asiyanbola (2013), Basic English Grammar for Universities: An Introduction. Olivetree Publishing, Lagos, Nigeria (Revised Edition).
Hornby, A.S. (1975), Guide to Patterns and Usage in English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


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